Annual Lawn Care Pack Program – One time purchase


For overseeding, fertilizer application, lime treatment

  • Regular overseeding with the correct grass type for the area, keeps the lawn thick to retain moisture in the soil and to choke out weeds and moss.
  • Proper seasonal fertilization ensures deeper roots in spring, drought resistance in summer and hardiness for the winter – without shocking the grass.
  • Finely granulated lime provides even delivery and easy application to sweeten acidic soils, letting grass absorb nutrients properly, and creating an unwelcome environment for moss. Our lime is not a powder, but is much more finely ground than you will find in most stores. Powders are messy and hard to spread and the more coarsely ground types tend to destroy spreaders very quickly.

Not sure about your lawn size? Watch how to use Google Maps here.

Our Annual Care Pack Program, One Time Purchase will cover your needs for the spring, summer and fall seasons in 4 separate deliveries.

*Please add any drop off notes during checkout if necessary ( i.e. leave with neighbour if I’m not at home)

  • Delivery 1: Spring Pack – Overseeding, fertilizer (16-32-6), Dolopril lime. Delivery in early March, or when purchased if later in the year.
  • Delivery 2: Summer Fertilizer Treatment (23-3-23). Delivery in early May.
  • Delivery 3: Summer Fertilizer Treatment (23-3-23). Delivery in early July.
  • Delivery 4: Fall Pack – Overseeding, fertilizer (15-5-30), Calpril lime. Delivery in early September.

Spread rates and detailed instructions provided with delivery.

Our Canada certified grass seed blend is comprised of :

50% Perennial Rye Grass: 5-7 day germination, dark green colour, medium fine leaf. (Two types – 25% each)

22.5% Hard Fescue: 18-21 day germination, dark green colour, fine leaf.

22.5% Creeping Red Fescue: 7-12 day germination, dark green color, fine leaf.

5% Kentucky Blue Grass: 6-12 day germination, medium dark green colour, medium leaf.


Fairway fertilizer:

Spring 50% Slow Release U FLEXX: Fertilizer mixture designed as starter fertilizer during seeding. Focus on root growth and expansion.

Summer 55% Slow Release U FLEXX: Fertilizer mixture designed for a full complement of micro-nutrients responsible for photosynthesis, protein synthesis and overall plant growth. Focus on summer heat tolerance and disease resistance.

Fall 65% Slow Release U FLEXX: Fertilizer mixture designed for carbohydrate production and storage which creates strong spring regrowth. Focus on winter cold tolerance and disease resistance.


Granulated Lime:

Spring – Natures Intent Dolopril lime – Fine Grind

Fall – Natures Intent Calpril lime – Fine Grind

The type of lime is changed in fall to avoid adding too much magnesium to your soil, while still retaining the benefits.

Lawn Size

Lawns up to 1000 square feet (92.903 m²), Lawns up to 2500 square feet (232.26 m²), Lawns up to 3500 square feet (325.16 m²), Lawns up to 5000 square feet (464.51 m²), Lawns up to 7000 square feet (650.32 m²)


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