Mowing tips – Damaging your lawn every time you mow?
Many people have troubles with their lawn, and don’t realize that they may be caused by not mowing correctly.
Mowing tips – Damaging your lawn every time you mow? Read More »
Many people have troubles with their lawn, and don’t realize that they may be caused by not mowing correctly.
Mowing tips – Damaging your lawn every time you mow? Read More »
Clay can be a difficult and frustrating contender when trying to maintain a healthy lawn.
While clover is a natural part of a lawn, sometimes there may be more than you would like to see. Especially if you have little white flowers popping up everywhere
Lawn maintenance may seem like a lot of work, but it really isn’t, and can provide some good exercise and sense of accomplishment.
Break the Cycle: Why lawn maintenance is just as important as lawn repair. Read More »
The why, prevention and repair guide for dog pee spots!
There are 3 times per year that you will want to focus on fertilizing your lawn. Spring, Summer and Fall. Learn what the numbers mean!
Why does lawn fertilizer matter for healthy turf? Read More »
Did you know that there are 19 different climate zones in Canada? This can greatly affect what you should be doing to maintain your lawn! To see how this affects your lawn, read on…
Why are provinces and climate zones a factor in maintaining a lawn? Read More »
When it comes to your lawn, it is maybe best to think of it as you would your body when doing a diet or going to the gym, and the fluctuations you experience while doing those things. Like most of us we go through periods where we are really happy and some, where we feel
There are three main families of grass seeds used for lawns in Canada. Rye Grass, Blue Grass and Fescue. Read on to see what you need to know.