The Lawn Connoisseur

When it comes to your lawn, it is maybe best to think of it as you would your body when doing a diet or going to the gym, and the fluctuations you experience while doing those things. Like most of us we go through periods where we are really happy and some, where we feel there may be improvement that could be achieved. However, we always come back to the same foundation of thought – maintenance is key…

If you are like most people and there are some improvements, or even a major overhaul that needs to be done on your lawn, then we would love to help you with that. It really isn’t that difficult to get the result that you want assuming you are doing the right things, it just requires some persistence and time, as all great things do…

One of the main factors that is overlooked is the climate zone that you live in. Canada is home to eight distinct climate regions. We won’t get into that here but if you were to go to each of those you would notice a difference in the natural vegetation in those areas. If we were to purchase say – an orange tree, we would understand that we may need to put a lot of extra care into raising said tree, because they do not naturally want to grow here. So, why would we think that doing the exact same thing to your lawn everywhere in Canada, or in North America for that matter, would achieve the intended results?

We at MyLawn.Care understand that, and THIS is one of the major primary factors in how we choose and create the products that we offer.

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3 thoughts on “The Lawn Connoisseur”

  1. I have a yard that is mulch and no grass, but I am sure
    that I have grubs and I know that I have Jap Beetles.
    So do I do anything any differently with mulch versus grass and PLEASE give some specific
    brand names of products to put on the lawn or in my case the mulch.

    1. You don’t necessarily have to do anything different with mulch versus grass if you are using nematodes (which we suggest), however, if the mulch is very thick they may have trouble getting through to the soil below which means you will have to water excessively after the application to make sure they get through it. There should not be many grubs in the mulch area unless they are trying to hide from something or it is old and full of grass, the main lawn area is what you want to treat. We recommend using Lawn Guardian Nematodes. They will work for both Japanese and European chafer grubs. Optimal application timeframe depends on where you live.

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